Update: As of March 21, 2022, masks are now optional in the Church and Chapel.
Holy Rosary Parish
is Opening to Full Capacity on March 1, 2022

Greetings Everyone!
The Government of Ontario has announced that effective March 1, 2022, the following changes to the Covid-19 protocols will take place, provided that health and health care indicators continue to improve. The changes are as follows:
Therefore, the Diocese of Hamilton is making effective March 1, 2022:
We will be continuing the live stream until the mandate for wearing masks is rescinded then we encourage all our parishioners to return to the Sunday Liturgies. At that time, the dispensation from Sunday Obligation will be rescinded too.
I am excited to receive these changes and to see our parish return to its normal spiritual life. You are in my prayers, and I look forward to sharing our faith once again.
Sincerely Yours in Christ
Fr. John Van Hees
The Government of Ontario has announced that effective March 1, 2022, the following changes to the Covid-19 protocols will take place, provided that health and health care indicators continue to improve. The changes are as follows:
- Capacity limits are lifted in all indoor public settings;
- Proof of vaccination requirements are lifted, with businesses being allowed to implement them voluntarily;
- Other protective measures, such as mask/face covering requirements will remain in place.
Therefore, the Diocese of Hamilton is making effective March 1, 2022:
- Churches, Parish Halls, and meeting rooms may open to full capacity.
- If attendees exhibit symptoms they should remain home.
- Masks must be worn by all those attending Mass, two years and older
- Hand sanitizers will continue to be available to parishioners at church entrances
- All church entrances can be used for entering and leaving the church
- Directors will no longer need to seat people or direct people when exiting but will assist wherever needed (i.e. greeting people, taking up the collection, directing the communion lines)
- All liturgical ministers (Deacons, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Lectors, Altar Servers, and full choirs) may resume – vaccination is not required
- Hymnals will be placed in the pews and congregational singing is permitted (All parts of the mass.)
- Children’s Liturgy can resume but children will need to wear their masks
- The shaking of hands at the Sign of Peace and Communion on the Tongue are not permitted until the mandate for wearing masks is rescinded
- Communion ministers are reminded to sanitize their hands before and after distributing to the faithful
- The congregation will now come forward to receive communion (no receiving from the chalice)
- Reconciliations will be held in the Church confessionals on Saturdays from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm and Tuesdays after the 7 pm Mass.
We will be continuing the live stream until the mandate for wearing masks is rescinded then we encourage all our parishioners to return to the Sunday Liturgies. At that time, the dispensation from Sunday Obligation will be rescinded too.
I am excited to receive these changes and to see our parish return to its normal spiritual life. You are in my prayers, and I look forward to sharing our faith once again.
Sincerely Yours in Christ
Fr. John Van Hees