The Catholic Women's League, in conjunction with Grace Anglican Church worked hard on preparing 60 turkey meals for members within our community.
A huge thank you to No Frills on Derry Road for their donation of four turkeys, Gordon Food Services on Hwy 25 for Scalloped potatoes, Food for Life for Vegetables and desserts and Troy’s diner for Take out containers. This could not have been done without their generous donations. These meals were offered free.
A huge thank you to 40 Ontario St under the direction of Cathy Goulding, for collecting a lot of canned goods for the Optimist food bank. The photo of cans does not do any justice.
A huge thank you to No Frills on Derry Road for their donation of four turkeys, Gordon Food Services on Hwy 25 for Scalloped potatoes, Food for Life for Vegetables and desserts and Troy’s diner for Take out containers. This could not have been done without their generous donations. These meals were offered free.
A huge thank you to 40 Ontario St under the direction of Cathy Goulding, for collecting a lot of canned goods for the Optimist food bank. The photo of cans does not do any justice.
Thank you for putting
People and the Planet FirsT
A major focus of Development and Peace — Caritas Canada’s People and Planet First campaign is advocating for a law that compels Canadian companies to respect the human and environmental rights of local populations in their overseas operations. This fall, acting in solidarity with their brothers and sisters in the Global South, thousands of Canadians signed a petition asking the government to enact such a law.
On behalf of all those who struggle to preserve their land, lives, livelihoods and lifestyles, Development and Peace — Caritas Canada thanks you for your commitment and mobilization. Together, we act in solidarity with the protectors of the Earth. Together, we have the power to change lives. To continue supporting the petition and to keep up the campaign momentum, visit |